Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Everest Base Camp - Prelude

Finally after a delay of about 1 year, i decided to write an blog article about my Nepal trekking experience. Majestic, breathtaking and definitely must do before you die is how i would summarise the whole experience. You'll probably end up looking at mountain differently.
Took us about 2 years to plan the logistic, arrange for the guide, research, getting the right gear and saving up cause our exchange rate is just a laughing stock for the rest of the world. RM 3.45 vs USD 1.

Travel tip 1. You try to pay everything in Nepal Rupees cause its cheaper, Most majors like USD, EUR, GBP is widely accepted as well. MYR is accepted for currency exchange in major cities like Kathmandu. Try to change in bulk if you're travelling in a group. You can negotiate very good rates. Carry heaps of smaller denominated USD. Don't make a joke of yourself by paying for a coke with USD 50.

There was plenty of drama a few weeks leading to the trip.
1. Thai Airways decided to hike their rates for Kathmandu at the last minute, so we were stuck with Nepal Airlines, damn will sure miss those hot assed thai airway stewardess

2. Wendy got pregnant with baby Cadence, so she's not gonna make it for this trip. Cadence if you're old enuf to read and this blog and this blog still kickin. Make a comment and say thanks to your we're down to 5 headcount

3. USD exchange rate hit RM 3.20, we were laughing cause it came down from RM 3.80, bonus payday would have helped a lot more.

There was just so much shit to before we left. A full 32 days away from home. The laundry, settling all bills before leaving, leaving the car with someone to start it occasionally. Who's gonna water the plant. Packing up, checking the checklist of stuff to bring over and over again...........